Home Op-Ed Bangladesh’s Political Crossroads: Embrace New Politics or Face a Generational Uprising

Bangladesh’s Political Crossroads: Embrace New Politics or Face a Generational Uprising


If traditional political parties do not abandon rent-seeking politics, including extortion, land grabbing, lobbying, and partisan control, they will face strong opposition, protests, and resistance from the new generation at every step.

The political reality in Bangladesh has changed. Those who fail to grasp this and delay embracing “new politics” will struggle to address the nation’s problems. Solving contemporary societal and economic issues with outdated political methods is impossible. If parties fail to adopt new politics, they will be incapable of resolving crises and will rely solely on force to suppress protests and unrest, leading to further crises in the country. Parties must prepare themselves for the possibility of another mass uprising and act accordingly.

The current interim government has survived over 150 movements because it has public sympathy and support. July’s wounds are still fresh (force was used in only a few cases). However, no political government will enjoy such leverage. This is my hypothesis.

A political government will face resistance from the media, intellectuals, professionals, farmers, workers, and diplomatic entities. They will also be under immense pressure from the massive expectations of the unemployed.

Beyond this, they will face opposition from groups like “I Hate Politics,” “BNP Equals AL,” and “The Boat and Sheaf of Paddy Are Two Sides of the Same Poison.” They will also encounter challenges from fascist defectors, intellectual fascists, and activities of Hasina’s pseudo-supporters, as well as the subversive activities of neighboring states.

The most effective resistance will come from the younger generation, who aspire for new politics and embody the spirit of mass uprisings. The urban middle class no longer wants to see the old politics—they have overcome fear. Yet, within just five months of the mass uprising, political parties seem to have forgotten this truth.

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Political governments will also face progressive social and cultural groups. They must contend with the cultural establishment created by the Awami League. Whether they are prepared for this remains unclear.

Political parties that aim to come to power must prepare now. They should focus on resolving the nation’s numerous problems—economic reforms, food security, energy, employment, remittances, reserves, transportation infrastructure, anti-corruption measures, social protection, budget deficits, industrial development, import control, digital transformation, digital economy, green energy transformation, and geopolitical strategies. Those chasing elections must simultaneously prepare by organizing, training leaders, and readying top- and mid-level leaders to govern the country. However, instead of actionable steps, I see conventional rhetoric in seminars and meetings.

It seems political parties have assumed they cannot or will not abandon self-serving politics. They fear losing central control and thus avoid internal democratic practices. They do not plan to eliminate rent-seeking politics, including extortion, land grabbing, and partisan control, nor do they have the resolve to bring about new politics. Instead, they might attempt to make superficial constitutional changes to sustain themselves.

This fear of inevitable challenges once in power may be why they are focused on rehabilitating rent-seeking politics of the past, ensuring their survival by accommodating others as part of a larger coalition. Consequently, they are neglecting essential reforms.

Let it be clear: the people of Bangladesh no longer trust the promises of political parties, as most of them have repeatedly broken their commitments in the past.

By failing to confront corrupt bureaucracy and exploitative politics, political parties are rehabilitating authoritarianism, entertaining India and the Awami League, and trivializing the need for justice for enforced disappearances and mass killings. This essentially enables the return of fascist political arrangements.

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The “July Uprising” has presented the people of Bangladesh with a monumental opportunity to reestablish democratic aspirations. If, after the upcoming election, the younger generation sees this opportunity squandered, they will return to the streets in waves of resistance. Political parties will once again be held accountable to history and, like today’s Awami League, face the prospect of political extinction.

Learn! Before we collectively lose!


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