Stay calm, do not pave the way for conspiracy to unfold: Hasanath Abdullah


    Hasanath Abdullah, the convener of the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement, has urged the general public across the country to remain calm. He stated, “Please be patient and stay calm. Do not take the law into your own hands or create any unstable environment.”

    In a post on his verified Facebook page this Tuesday evening, Hasanath Abdullah said, “Our Bangladesh is a land of communal harmony. Under no circumstances will we allow this harmony to be disrupted.”

    He further added, “Since August 5, a certain group has been intentionally plotting to create unrest in our country. Please do not engage in conflicts among yourselves and thereby pave the way for this group’s malicious conspiracies to succeed.”

    Earlier today, during a clash in Chattogram between the followers of Chinmoy Krishna Das Brahmachari, spokesperson of the Bangladesh United Sanatani Awakening Alliance, and members of the law enforcement and legal communities, Assistant Public Prosecutor (APP) Saiful Islam alias Alif (35) was killed. According to Chattogram Bar Association President Nazim Uddin Chowdhury, Saiful was hacked to death.

    In his Facebook post, Hasanath Abdullah demanded the immediate arrest and justice for Saiful’s killers. He also urged that if any specific organization is found to be involved in the murder, action must be taken against it. Finally, he called on everyone to remain calm, vigilant, and patient.

    Meanwhile, in a Facebook post this evening, Sarzis Alam, a member of the National Citizens’ Committee and General Secretary of the July Martyrs’ Memorial Foundation, stated that if any individual, terrorist group, or organization attempts to incite communal riots by using religion as a “tool,” strict action must be taken against such terrorists. He emphasized, “Whoever is involved, we demand the maximum punishment for murder. There must be no leniency for conspirators. Too much leniency will only embolden them.”

    Sarzis further added, “The judgment of an extremist is not based on their religion but on their extremism.”

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