Indian Interference Sparks Unrest in Bangladesh as ISKCON Leader’s Arrest Escalates Tensions


    The Indian government has been accused of openly interfering in Bangladesh’s internal affairs. Allegations suggest that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government, known for its Hindu nationalist stance, is attempting to destabilize Bangladesh by falsely accusing its interim government of persecuting the Hindu minority. This accusation comes amid reports of widespread violence and discrimination against Muslims and other minorities within India.

    In a significant development, Bangladeshi authorities recently arrested Chinmoy Das, a former leader of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), on charges of treason. Reports allege that Mr. Das was involved in activities aimed at destabilizing Bangladesh and had encouraged Indian military intervention. Following his arrest, a BJP leader from West Bengal reportedly issued a threat to close the border and halt food exports to Bangladesh unless Mr. Das was released.

    Today, Mr. Das was presented in court, where tensions escalated dramatically. Supporters of ISKCON reportedly surrounded the Chittagong District Court and violently attacked lawyers. Assistant Public Prosecutor Saiful Alam, who had previously opposed granting bail to Mr. Das, was targeted. According to reports, Mr. Alam was abducted by ISKCON supporters and brutally killed near a sweeper colony known to be associated with ISKCON sympathizers.

    The situation has been further inflamed by the circulation of inciting videos by certain groups, allegedly threatening violence against Mr. Alam for his role in the legal proceedings against Mr. Das. These developments have raised serious concerns about communal tensions and the stability of Bangladesh’s legal and judicial systems in the face of external pressures and internal unrest.

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