Mahmudur Rahman’s 7 Demands: Calling for the Ban on Chhatra League and Questioning the Roles of Iftekharuzzaman and Debopriyo Bhattacharya


    At a press conference organized by the “Amar Desh” family at the National Press Club yesterday, editor Mahmudur Rahman presented a total of seven demands to the current government. The demands are as follows:

    1. Mahmudur Rahman has given an ultimatum to the interim government to declare the Student League a ‘terrorist organization’ and ban it within the next 7 days. He stated that during the anti-discrimination student movement, the Student League was involved in murders alongside the police. Over the past 16 years, they have committed numerous acts of terrorism and murder. Therefore, they must be identified as a terrorist organization and banned. If the government does not comply with this demand within seven days, we will be compelled to take to the streets.
    2. A committee must be formed under the leadership of the Health Advisor, Economic Advisor, Industry and Public Works Advisor, and the Political Secretary of the Chief Advisor for the treatment and rehabilitation of those injured in the student and public movement.
    3. The Jamuna Bridge should be named after ‘Shaheed Abu Sayeed’ so that people can see Abu Sayeed’s name for centuries to come as they cross it.
    4. Every clause and sub-clause of all agreements made with India since 2009 must be made public, and the public must be informed about these agreements. A committee should be formed to review these agreements, where there can be no representatives of India or its fascist allies.
    5. Bongobondhu Avenue should be named after ‘Shaheed Abrar,’ as he is the first martyr of this fascist movement.
    6. The nomination of the fascist Hasina’s daughter, Saima Wazed Putul, from the World Health Organization must be immediately canceled. This nomination was given through fraudulent means.
    7. An investigative committee should be formed under the leadership of a judge from the Appellate Division to investigate the murders of Brigadier General (Retd.) Abdur Rahim and BNP leader Nasir Uddin Pintoo, who were victims of jail killings.

    During the meeting, Mahmudur Rahman said that the investigative report on the “Watergate Scandal” against former U.S. President Nixon won the Pulitzer Prize. Similarly, although the report on the Skype scandal is the largest investigative report in the country’s history, we have not received any recognition. Instead, I had to spend five years in jail, and reporter Oliullah Noman had to leave the country with his family. “Amar Desh” was shut down, leaving hundreds of journalists, officials, and employees unemployed and living in miserable conditions. On the other hand, one of the perpetrators of that scandal, Judge Nizamul Haque Nasim, has become the chairman of the Bangladesh Press Council. However, journalists have not been able to protest against him. According to the report, we are still labeled criminals, while Nizamul Haque Nasim is a distinguished figure. He should be arrested; he should be in jail now.

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    He mentioned that most media owners and editors in the country are agents of India. Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury attempted to take over “Amar Desh.” Yet, he supposedly still attends the National Press Club.

    Mahmudur Rahman commented on a so-called intellectual editor, Mahfuz Anam, who has been writing praises for Sheikh Hasina since December 2022. He was the first to be seen in the first meeting of editors with the current government, established on the blood of martyrs. He is an accomplice of fascism and should be asked to apologize to the nation. He also remarked that the media must be freed from fascism first.

    He noted that the media is the mirror of the nation. However, a narrative against Islam has been deliberately created in this media through Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s propaganda, branding Muslims as fundamentalists and terrorists. Such media outlets still exist in their own glory. “Amar Desh” has fought against this.

    Addressing Iftekharuzzaman, Mahmudur Rahman warned the government not to use the term “fundamentalism.” He stated that Iftekharuzzaman is in charge of a reform committee of the Bangladesh government. He said, “Fundamentalism is on the rise in the country.” Personal statements cannot be made from within the government; his statements become the government’s statements. He has used this card of fundamentalism to establish the Awami League’s fascism, which has resulted in extrajudicial killings and the deaths of thousands. Now Iftekharuzzaman is again using the card of fundamentalism; what is his intention? Is it to establish Indian hegemony in Bangladesh in a new way? You speak against communalism; we stand with you, but do not use the word fundamentalism. Therefore, I want to warn the government on this issue. At this time, he cautioned the ultra-Islamists, saying, “Your such activities will send a wrong message to the outside world, damaging the country’s image. Do not exaggerate about Durga Puja, atheists, and theists. Such activities will work as part of the strategy of Indian hegemony. We must resist such ultra-Islamists.”

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    Regarding economist Dr. Debopriyo Bhattacharya, he stated that an apology must be given. Dr. Debopriyo is so powerful that during the One-Eleven government, the law was changed to give him a job abroad. Now, instead of the economic advisor Salahuddin Ahmed, who accompanied the Prime Minister on a trip to America, Debopriyo went. He seems to be a parallel economic advisor, while Salahuddin Ahmed is labeled as an advisor. Since 2005, during the One-Eleven government, Debopriyo campaigned daily for foreign funds to establish an Indian corridor in the country. At that time, his speeches in seminars suggested that the duties the country would earn from the corridor would make Bangladesh like Singapore. We want to ask him, how much money has Bangladesh earned from transit in the last 16 years? We know that very little has been earned from this sector. Debopriyo must apologize to the nation for this. Questioning who employs these individuals, he said, “Dr. Yunus said that the students have appointed them.” Now I want to tell those students to question Debopriyo about the transit.

    Mahmudur Rahman announced that “Amar Desh” will be published again, stating that most advisors are tolerant towards “Amar Desh.” However, some so-called intellectuals and fascists in the administration might create obstacles. If this happens, we will have to organize a movement on the streets again against them.

    He said, “This government is our government. This government is established on the blood of Shaheed Abu Sayeed. They may make mistakes; we must show them. If there are any fascist accomplices in the government, they must be removed. We want to cooperate with the government, but the government should not do anything that might fracture our trust.”

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    He further remarked, “Whoever comes to power, whether it be BNP, Jamaat, or anyone else, we will continue to fight against those who speak on behalf of Delhi. There can be no compromise regarding Delhi. As long as I am alive, my struggle will continue. I assure everyone that I will fight for the people’s rights and the preservation of independence and sovereignty, repaying the debt of your love among the people until my last breath.”

    During the meeting, the speech was led by “Amar Desh” news editor Zahed Chowdhury, with speeches from National Press Club President Poet Hasan Hafiz, former President Kamal Uddin Shobuz, former President of BFUJ and Managing Director of Bangladesh Journalist Welfare Trust M Abdullah, former General Secretary of BFUJ MA Aziz, Dhaka Journalist Union President Shahidul Islam, General Secretary Khursheed Alam, former General Secretary Muhammad Bakr Hossain and Sardar Farid Ahmed, former General Secretary of the National Press Club Syed Abdal Ahmed and Elias Khan, former President of Dhaka Reporters Union Mursaline Noman, Joint Secretary of BFUJ Bashir Jamal, Abab leader Engineer Riyazul Islam Rizu, MBA Association’s Syed Alomgir, and Executive Director of ATN Bangla Hasan Ahmed Chowdhury Kiran, among others.


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