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Violent Attack, Looting, and Abduction of Son at Hindu Home in Manirampur Over Financial Dispute


In Manirampur, Jessore, a violent incident occurred at the home of a Hindu community member due to a financial dispute. The attackers, led by a teacher named Abul Hasan, not only vandalized the house but also abducted the man’s school-aged son. The incident took place on Thursday night at the home of Polash Ghosh in the village of Ghoshpara, Jalalpur. The abducted boy was rescued about four hours later with the intervention of a local BNP leader.

Polash Ghosh reported that the attack and abduction of his son, Piyas Ghosh (14), were orchestrated by Abul Hasan due to an ongoing dispute over money and a case of check fraud. Abul Hasan, a resident of Shahpur, teaches at a madrasah in Galdah village while staying at his in-laws’ house.

Ghosh explained, “A few years ago, Abul Hasan borrowed three lakh taka from me with interest, which later accumulated to five lakh taka. Unable to recover the money through local arbitration, I was given a check for five lakh taka by Abul Hasan. When the check bounced, I filed a lawsuit. The court fined Abul Hasan five lakh taka and sentenced him to one year in prison. After spending some time in jail, he was released on bail after depositing 2.5 lakh taka.”

Ghosh continued, “On the night of the incident, Abul Hasan and 15-20 people arrived at my house on seven or eight motorcycles. They held a knife to my son’s throat, demanding ten lakh taka. They assaulted me, looted our home, and took gold ornaments, money, and three mobile phones from my wife and mother. Unable to get the money, they forced me to sign a blank stamp and then stole my motorcycle and abducted my son.”

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Upon receiving the news, Shamsuzzaman, the joint convener of the Khadapara Union BNP, arrived at the scene. With his help, Piyas and the motorcycle were recovered approximately four hours later. Shamsuzzaman stated, “This incident is a result of a financial dispute. Abul Hasan, after being released on bail, rented people from Jessore city to carry out the attack.”

Attempts to contact Abul Hasan for a comment were unsuccessful. Meanwhile, ABM Mehedi Masud, Officer-in-Charge of Manirampur Police Station, said, “We are unaware of this incident. No one has reported it to us.”


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