Condemnation and Protest Against the Unconstitutional Ban on ‘Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’ and ‘Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir’


    -Dr. Shafiqur Rahman

    Dr. Shafiqur Rahman, the Ameer of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, issued a statement on August 1, vehemently condemning and protesting the government’s executive order that unconstitutionally bans the political activities of the historic and democratic parties ‘Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’ and ‘Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir’.

    In his statement, he remarked, “The government is using party cadres and law enforcement to carry out massacres to suppress the students’ non-political movement. The nation’s educators, cultural figures, journalists, and people from various professions are united in protesting against this government-perpetrated massacre. The international community has condemned these acts. To cover up its misdeeds, the government is attempting to divert the ongoing movement by banning ‘Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’ and ‘Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir’ through executive order.”

    He further emphasized that Jamaat-e-Islami is a comprehensive Islamic movement. In independent Bangladesh, Jamaat has always operated in a systematic, democratic, and peaceful manner. Jamaat has played a significant role in the country’s education, healthcare, and humanitarian sectors, standing by the poor and helpless. Jamaat has contributed to establishing the rule of law, justice, and human rights in the country. It has participated in every credible election in Bangladesh, representing the people in Parliament, with two ministers setting exemplary standards of honesty, dedication, and transparency. During any natural calamity, including floods, Jamaat has consistently supported the affected individuals.

    Jamaat has a historic role in every democratic movement in Bangladesh. It was the innovator of the caretaker government system to establish voting rights for the people, leading to three consecutive fair and credible elections. Jamaat-e-Islami has maintained a strong stance against militancy, terrorism, and extremism. Six leaders of Jamaat lost their lives to bomb attacks due to their opposition to militancy. There is no link between Jamaat and terrorism or anarchy.

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    He stated that for the past 16 years, the government has oppressed Jamaat, but the organization has endured all challenges with patience, gaining public sympathy, love, and support. Jamaat is an organization of millions. The Constitution of Bangladesh guarantees every citizen the right to assemble and organize. By banning ‘Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’ and ‘Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir’, the government has violated the Constitution. We vehemently condemn and protest this unconstitutional, undemocratic, and unjust decision by the government.

    Dr. Rahman assured that the core activities of Jamaat, including spreading the message of Islam, moral reform, and establishing the ideals of Islam, will not cease due to the ban. He urged all members of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami to face the situation with patience and resilience. He also warned that the government’s efforts to blame opposition parties for the massacres and its various maneuvers to tarnish Jamaat’s image have failed and will continue to do so. The public must remain vigilant against any such future attempts.

    Jamaat-e-Islami is dedicated to establishing the noble ideals of Islam. Historically, no assault has ever silenced this movement, and it will not be silenced by the current government or any other, InshaAllah. I call upon every citizen to protest in an orderly manner against the government’s unconstitutional ban on ‘Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’ and ‘Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir’ and against the ongoing oppression, suppression of rights, and mass killings. I also urge democratic countries, institutions, human rights organizations, and the global conscience to stand against all undemocratic actions of the puppet government of Bangladesh.”

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