Student Movement Issues 24-Hour Ultimatum to Locate 4 Missing Coordinators and Resignation of 4 Minsters


    Dhaka, July 22, 2024 — In a bold move, two coordinators of the anti-discrimination student movement have issued a 24-hour ultimatum to the government, demanding the resolution of four critical issues.

    Abdul Hannan Masud and Mahin Sarkar, key coordinators of the movement, presented the demands at a briefing held in front of Gonoshasthaya Nagar Hospital in Dhaka on Monday night. The demands, they said, represent the collective stance of all movement coordinators.

    Key Demands:

    1. Locate Missing Coordinators: The government must find the four missing coordinators by Tuesday evening and stop harassing the students involved in the movement.
    2. Ministerial Resignations: The Ministers of Road Transport, Home Affairs, Education, and Law should step down to allow an unbiased judicial inquiry.
    3. Ensure Security: Provide security for those who were injured and are leading the movement.
    4. Prosecute Attackers: Those responsible for the attacks, including the central president and general secretary of the Chhatra League who led the assault on Dhaka University, should be brought to justice.

    “If these demands are not met within the specified timeframe, we will escalate our program nationwide from 10 am to 11 am on Wednesday,” warned Masud and Sarkar.

    The four missing coordinators are Asif Mahmud, Abdul Quader, Rashidul Islam Rifat, and Abu Bakr Majumdar.

    The briefing also noted that Nahid Islam, another coordinator, was absent due to hospitalization. Sarjis Alam and Hasnat Abdullah, who were expected to attend, were also unable to be present, according to Masud and Sarkar.

    The ultimatum highlights the escalating tension and urgency within the student movement, reflecting broader discontent with government actions and demanding immediate responses to their grievances.

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